Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And I hear there is an imax theater for that


today our guest is ERIC (last name withheld for privacy). 

You may notice these pictures are not scanned and are in black and white. I apoligize.  Eric made copies of them and I was going to scan them in, but low and behold my scanner is broken.


The first one looks really really cool in  color, but its still conceptually great. If you can't read it the bubble says "why are we here"

The second one  has a diagram printed out, pasted in diagrams of shapes that are 3d in real life, and boob drawings.

The Third one is an ad that was cut out and pasted into the great Erics journal. It pretty much looks alot cooler in black and white.

I like Eric, he writes well, and has a great mind. Plus he is really tall and adorable and sometimes when he talks he sounds like eyore a little bit. Its really really cute.

His final page entitled getbent is great. and is my favorite one. Starting from the bottom their is the meaning heavy picture of a gorrilla and a baby gorrilla and the big gorilla's eyes are covered with the word human.

Above that is a great silhoutte of a face that decends into a jellyfish like tale.

And above that is the words  " Loss Aversion"

"The pain of losing something is twice as strong as the joy of getting something if you make a bet and you must $1 if you lose, people tend to demand a $2 pay off if they win"

This is all entitled by the stenciled in words "GET BENT" 

I like Eric. I like this journal.  I hope you did too.

Normally all sorts of hooplah would accompany this post, but, seeing as how it is late, a school day, and I don't have alot to say, the hooplah ends here. 

But the post below has lots of GREAT hooplah. Including links to kiva, Jasmine Miller, and my thought blog. 

Monday, February 23, 2009

I am no longer a woman; just rippling muscalature


The post for today is a really thorough page from my journal that I actually worked on onight.

The words are saying alot of diffrent random things, which you could read if you would like, but focusing on the pictures: if you notice in the top right corner I have that dancing bacteria thing? In his hand he is balancing a ballerina, just fyi.

descending downward, in the middle of the page on the left hand side there is athat giant egg. Please enlarge picture to understand concept.

This is the idea: Recently I've become obsessed with layering so if you start at the bottom of the egg you should see a father yellign at his son (bear with me they are stick figures) and that scene being in a grocery store being pushed by another person, and that store being the ground for a huge boy playing soccer and inside the soccer ball and trees are diffrent worlds.

Further down you will see faces, some of the look horribly distorted. I'm trying to convey the idea of the face being made up by a series of drawers and some of them being pulled out. Alot of my imagination rquires larger canvases. The two undistorted faces are just faces that I tried to make look really goofy. I think I succeeded.

1. The blog has switched to monday, wednesday, friday updates instead of every day. They every day updates were interrupting my writing time and were not high quality. I was also worried about my wealth of journal pages.


3. Congratulations to all the gold key winners!

4. I have lots of lovely talented friends and I forget that all the time. One especially important talented friend is Jasmine, or j.y miller shes great. click on here and listen to her sing.

5. I still love :]

6. If you are intrested in reading about my life/responsibilites of man to his society please click here.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dear World

I realize the quality of these posts is slowly decreasing and I am going to try very very hard to fix that.

I had alot I wanted to say/write for today, but unfortuantely, tomorrow I have school. And I"m just really tired anyways and Tomorrow I'm going to try and update as soon as possible so I can have plenty of time to discuss my beautiful friends, charities, sideprojects, my day, the changes I'm making.

You know. life.

Above is one of my favorite journal pages to ever exist. It doesn't look like much, but if you enlarge it you can read all the great fun facts! (Maybe I'll put off updatingtomorrow just so you guys can read it).

But really. That is the orginal things I know/am lerning age. Its much better than the other one. It has facts about PEOPLE I KNOW. About my mother, that girl in my fac class, woodpeckers. You know. everything.

So I hear slum dog is killing it in Oscars. I hope that I hear correctly, because that was a superb movie in so many ways.

Ok. I need to dream. I promise that these low quality posts will no longer continue. This will be the last one.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

my stomach aches from all the cake I just ate and I reek of icing.

I know, this post is terrible late.

And I've decided I hate all the fonts and colors and I'm slowly deciding on a better change. I like the purple borders though.

I have also decided that I am a lady.

but here.

I'm trying to show the uglier, less complete parts of my journal. The first one looks like snot.

This one is not done. It is just a mess.

Today has been a whirlwind of inclusion and exclusion and right now I am just too relaxed to even decide how I feel about it. Every day feels like a diffrent day and I really like about the world.

I'm really really happy and I really like that too.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Today was a day for tea and porches.

Ok! Journals!  I am trying to upload really ugly ones so you understand how awkward journals can look. And then. maybe more people will submit and it'll be great.

if you like to be interviewed I would like to know. I love interviewing. 

Anyways. I know its late today. I'm sorry so so sorry I had a big problem with my internet/computer and I didn't think anyone would mind. I mean. its a friday. who is really sitting at home waiting for me to update ( I sort of hope there is really someone like that out there).

Today I watched degrassi.
Today bryce gave me a paper heart
Today I spent thirty minutes soaking fruit in juice
Today I watched Drumline
Today I woman's weave saved her life.
Today while walking into school I found a penny, heads up, a good day.
Today I recieved a letter.
Today was a good day, a really great day.

I have alot to say, I have alot to do, I have alot to dream and it makes me feel tired and maybe a little bit upset, and I'm not sure why and so I'm going to make instant coffee andcurl up in blankets in my backyard and look into the sky. 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I am eating a guava. its great. Sorry this post is a bit late

ok. so. first:
So! I found my black journal today! And as celebration I'm uploading more than usual today! hooray!

If you look to the side you will view the first art piece that is being dispayed to your left, you should be astounded by all those colors!

The text is notes on absurd/existentialism. The colors are absurd. GET IT?!

This was done with soft pastals, and the colors have faded alot. When I first did it it was alot more vibrant, try and imagine.

it kind of looks like a tunnel, and if I had to assign my mind in a way I would pick a further faded version of this. So many places to burrow.

And the next piece! A two page spread!

The right most page of the spread is faces drawn while in Miami. I learned how to draw noses there. I would go to breakfast early every morning and just move from table to table, drawing.

the other page is some faces and just random scribbles. I don't really like that page (if you look in the left upper corner of that page you can see me trying to convince myself other wise)

But I included it because it was next to the faces pa ge and I kind of wanted to include an awkward journal page?

Because. Ugly is allowed, with art I feel like ugly and awkward are SO nessacary, I feel like if we are always worried about not being ugly we can't progress and so yes. that s an ugly page. I am sharing. your turn.

So I hoped you notice the layout/font changes (how could you not) I figured out I needed a stretch template and I have always loved black backgrounds and white text on black background looked too bright. so I played with it.

I feel unprofessional with the background this way, and I might change it but I must admit that I like it. Thoughts?

So I'm trying to post the art first, and this random other stuff later because I feel like people feel obliged to read the other stuff. I'm working on a more thought based blog.

Also! Don't forget about

ok! I have a really superb night! I'm so sorry I was late on the post tonight.

OH. BEFORE I FORGET. Today ryann and ben came over and ryann dyed bens hair (I wrote a letter) and left the extra dye here. So I fished it out of the trash so I"m going to try and make some art but then I'm going to take a shower immediately after so I don't get everywhere. I'll let you know how it turns out :]

BYE. and sorry this is late again!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I just want everyone to know that my grandmother was on the news today


Today was such an exciting day!

1. I went running through the rain! (it was a really lovely exp
ierance and I can't wait to do it again when there are real puddles!) 

2. See title (my grandmother made us all sit infront of the television and wa
tch her watch her.)

3. I heard Grace say something crude in econ and I didn't even think she was capable of it! 

4. I figured out how to make delicious indian yogurt!

5. I'm updating from my computer.

6. Someone told me I'm a great artist and I"m wasting my talent by not pursuing it (I don't really agree but what a compliment!)

7. my room smells like a candle that I swiped from my bro
thers room and adore the smell of.


9. My mom just gave me a pint of pineapple that she happened to
 forget about, and itsss sooooo good!

10. , which everyone should check out and lend too, is h
elping out millions of third world entrepeneurs! Knowing that it exists makes me feel great :]

and. the reason why this is the best day ever....

11 (I'm sorry. I'm pulling a spinal tap. I couldn't resist). ITS GUEST BLOGGER DAY!

today our lovely guest blogger is Ms. Becca! she is GREAT. I have known her since I was in third grade and I love this woman. She is the type of person who will suprise you, someone who is quitely brilliant. She listens to people (really. she really does) and then, when they are finsihed she will take on something really innovative and its a great conversation stimulator. Her creative style, and journal page that she submitted really really makes me smile! It is adorable! (Secret: I saw one of her early early journals and was inspired to start an idea book. what an inspiration.)

I understand if you are interested in stalking her, or being her best friend, or wanting to tell her that she is adorable, but if you let me know (maybe with your own journal submisssion, eh? eh?) I'll pass along the message.

OTHER [IMPORTANT] NEWS: I am going to try and update everyday before 8 (because apparently thats when the most people look on this)

Instead of doing a series of guest journals, I'm going to do one a wednesday, and you know. devote like. alot of the blog to talking about you, so please submit :] Everyone draws at least once in their life and I love looking at those drawings! 

Have a good night! 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Let's get down to buisness... defeat the huns!

Ok. We have alot to talk about today.

1. if you have not already noticed LOOK TO THE RIGHT. yes! yes! I am taking submissions of journal pages and I"m really excited because the best part about journals is JOURNAL SHARING. and I would really be happy if you sent me in some art ms. becca already has and I can't wait to post it tomorrow.

2. Journal for today

I was really inlove with this piece when I did it, then I set the last two pages of my journal on fire and you can see a burn mark on ehr leg and it just makes me incredibly upset when I look at it. but rest assured, at the time it was gorgeous.

3. Did you know about ? I didn't! is the best thing in the world. You lend money to third world entrepenurs in $25 increments and they pay you back plus interest! Which means you can take your money when they are done with it and buy yourself some ice cream and congratulate yourself on contributing AND you can reinvest it in some other third world country :] And. 97% of the participants repay their loans, Thats better credit than most us citizens can ever hope to have!

so yes. help the world. help the ECONOMY invest $25 and help a nation develop

4. So. I am realizing that I like updating every day and that I like this blog alot, and that I definetly definetly want everyone to send me pictures of their art/ text journals. I want everything you have to offer. I'm also realizing that I have alot on my mind all the time and I am pretty sure that I am going to develop another blog for writing/textually creative things.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Your mom wants to go out drinking, want to come?

My dad burst into my room this morning, asking me the above question. It was a good morning. (I'm kidding. He went to work, not to the bar.)

Anyways. This morning I woke up several times, and each time I would push myself back into sleep, and as a result I remember SO MANY dreams. Each one ranged from mildly macrabe to incredibly sinister (the last one involved sugar creek muggings and I was so scared that I just gave up on sleep)

I've heard alot of people talk about lucid dreams, and I never understood the concept correctly because I realize I'm dreaming all the time, but if I try and change the course of the dream I just wake up, but today I remember this moment I had in the middle of a dream where I understood I was a dream and distorted the faces of everyone around me. Then I changed into a giant bird.

But enough pillow talk! I've reinvested my faith in my trusty scanner, and hopefully, it will work. So. To begin. This is a scanned in view of yesterday's post:

I finally go it up (thats what she said) and I had to try like 6 times. So. Appreciate. It doesn't look like this anymore and I don't know how happy I am with that but when I'm finished with it you won't even know what you're looking at.

And I have a couple new things to share with this post like one of my first journals. It is important for everyone looking at this journal to know that THOSE ARE NOT SWASTIKAS. THEY ARE HINDU RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS. NOT SWASTIKAS. I AM NOT A NAZI.

But, my mom gave me this journal when I started claires class and that was when I really really started journaling. Its divided into four sections and in each section you can see my progress as an artist.

Today I'm going to take something from the third section, a two page spread.

So once you recover from this great trilogy of images, look closer at them. They might be hard to read, but all the typed text can be found at my old xanga ( By typed I mean bolded text, the regularly typed text was something I printed out from y private computer journals, and it is important to understand that while I kept these journals I had a huge problem with empty space and this page drove me crazy because I couldn't obliterate it all.

Neha, I don't know if anyone else is having that problem? On my computer I am able to enlarge them, but I will oook around see what the problem is and if its on my end. I am able to enlarge them on this computer and my mac, but I'll leave my ip address and see if thats still true.

And! Another question for everyone reading. I really really am interested in the process of how you dream, dreams you've expieranced, really anything about sleep you are willing to share. I also understand that you can't comment without an account which is a shame, so email or facebook your answer to me. I'm interested.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

There are some smells that you can't learn to love. There are people like that too.

Today. Today was one of those quiet smoky days. Today I woke up and wanted to puke. Puking feels like it should be a metaphor for something, as if puking is some well known tired archetype.  

Today I really wanted to go to the park but everyone was too busy. I felt like I was five years old.  

During the summer I'm going to spend every day at the park.

I want everyone to know that I tried to update an hour ago (because I have no life. I'm just kidding. I have a life. Gotcha.) and it was extremely extremely difficult. So today instead of the nicely scanned enlargable pictures we have something more...simplistic.

yes. yes I did just take pictures with my macbook of a piece of art that I worked on earlier today. Yes, yes you can see my fingers in some of the pictures. And yes, the lighting is terribly.

But in desperate times, I'm not afraid to lose my dignity :] 

So, tonight, I'm going to sit on my porch, listen to the rain and animal and collective and burn holes into the above art, and post it tomorrow? Or edit into todays post. We'll see what time I get done.

So in my last post I admitted to having a blog counter. Its a really indepth one with graphs and pie charts and everything. I know all sorts of stuff like I've had 23 unique visitors, and! That the majority of them use macs (3 use windows).

Whenever I get bored I check it. And. ok. I have a question for my visitors.

What do you like? 

Part of this blog is a way for me to preserve and share my journals, but I'm also curious as to what you like? Is it ok if I talk about wanting to puke? my day? not going to the park? 

Ok. so. 23 visitors. thats exciting. I am exciting. 

Saturday, February 14, 2009

And I feel beat like the red vegetable.

Confession: I have installed a secret person tracker on here and I was reviewing the stats today. 15 people, which is alot and none at all all at once, but either way I was pleased. My secret counter also told me that alot of people looked around 11pm, which makes sense because I did claim to update this daily, and one would assume it would be up by then. But nope. nothing, and for that I apologize.

Updating daily is hard. It requires resposiblity, but I'm still going to try it. I like the idea of updating daily.

Ok so. Today was a tiring day (like most weekends) and I had planned to complete this great pastal piece by tonight but I got too wrapped up with being alive so instead I'm posting an old art piece. I understand that today and yesterday the posts have kind of sucked. its a weekend thing. It'll improve in quality hopefully tomorrow.
So. This was done with spray paint and pens. Nothing too complicated or exciting. It exists inside the yellow orange rooster journal. Its GREAT.

Thats all for tonight. I'm sorry its not better, but I have to say I'm exhausted by the exterior circumstances of my life.

Good night! Happy valentines day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

All I do is party ah ah ah.....

so I'm writing this while waiting for some friends to stop by, we're meeting here and then heading downtown for some wild dancing. This is exciting and fun. Earlier today something not so exciting and fun happened.

I lost my journal. The black one, I left it on the bus. I'm sad and hoping that on monday I can recover it. In the meantime! I am using this baby:
I purchased this from barnes and nobles. It was 10 dollars. It was so worth it. But sadly, at the time of keeping it I HATED it.

So I'm going back to it. I finished it early because I felt so bad, and resolved to start it again. so here it is. and. here is a page from it. Here is my things I am learning page.

it is informat ive. very very informativ e. You should read it. Alot of it has to do with the ocean. So freaking lovely.

Ok. Thats all for today. I'm going out dancing now. Have a great friday the thirteenth.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

In a way, smoke and water is almost the same

Hi! Today was alot better than yesterday. I woke up this morning feeling sleepy, content, and staring at the moon. It was then that I understood that today was going to be a good day, and mostly it was.

But! To get to the point of why we are really here! Today I thought I would share something from the left handed journal! (you know what it looks like, and if you've forgotton just scroll down or! Click away!)

So today, is not art, nor flow chart, but a fusion of the two combining to make a really lovely DIAGRAM!

I am a big fan of diagrams. Especially .

I also like googling diagrams of birds and learning the names. In some journals I have diagrams of spines on random pages.

Me and spines, best friends almost.

So notice:

1) the burn! It goes through every page!
2)The diagram obviously
3) The off kilter unproportionate face.
4) The naked woman in the binding, whats she doing there?
5)The diagram placed at the bottom dispalying the relationship and social standing of my FAC CW class
6) The left handed fun fact in the bottom, really really infomative if you're into left handed trivia.

Don't forget to tell your best friend, evil stepmother, and lunch lady to look at this! Bye!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Today is the day I walked into my room and smelled rotting fish

Today was not a bad day, but it was the type of day that when you wake up, you have a headache.

Today, I realized I was the worst asian on the face of the planet.
That when I say "classy as hell" I'm giving the rest of the world a reason to laugh.
Today, I spent 2 hours napping at my parents store and didn't get home till 5:30.

For a day like today, I found my left handed journal most appropriate.

I love this journal, looking back through it its not as great as I remember, but sitll a real prize winner. on each page there were left handed fun facts, and if you notice, I burned a hole through each one.

This is a journal full of flow charts and control. I kept alot in while I kept this. Everything was calculated, and although I love my sloppy fill up every page, write everything down journals something must be said for minimalism.

So, to the left is a prime example of what went on in a left handed journal. A flowchart. I would translate it but I feel that would take away the integrity of the flow. So. If you want a closer look do that clicking thing and life will be great.

Please also take note of the burn hole thats going thorugh the page, as promised.

Please also take note of the fact that I would really like you to share this blog with everyone you know.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Somedays raisons feel less like grapes and more like fingertips

Currently, I'm working in a journal whose picture is posted to the left (to the left to the left, everything you own in a box to the left). Actually right ( I frequently confuse the two because intuitively the way I feel about my right hand is affectionate and the word right is such a hard sound. Like rain on a windsheild, but left is softer. Like babies in a park) 

This journal is my first completely private one. In the past I've folded over pages, or claimed journals to be private to keep them hidden from certain people, but this one is legitimately private. For that reason, I think I'll be pulling  more from other journals, which, for the most part, are public.

But, for today, I'm going to post one thing from this joural. To kick off this journal journey is something small and literal: Art.

I like this piece because when I'm reading books (specifically a satirical one) they talk about the future being filled with lamp lit streets and just not being a nice place because it will be too bright, too public, too technological. 

I happen to love street lamps. 

I feel like here I show how lamps look to me. Blue, warm, and lovely.