Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I think television is freaking brilliant

only on television can I watch a man shoot up crystal meth with his boyfriend then do cartwheels in the park. lovvvvely.

I also jsut saw a man snort up oxies, have to puke it up, except not puke it up because hes afraid that would be wasting it, and then fall backwards into his bathtub and say "fuck. I need to go to rehab"

today at tea Molly, Emily, and Melissa were talking with each other in such a familiar way and refrencing "that one time they had dinner at emily's house" and it made me really really miss thai pie, but thats ok because in less than 11 days we will be together and the closer it gets the slower time gets. 

I stopped updating htis because I resent things I'm forced to be apart  of and concious of I also realized my art is far better in person. 

so. what a happy death. 

AND. I like online blogs so I'm keeping a secret one because I'm more honest when no one knows about these, which duh, makes sense. so yes, a happy death, but far from the end

thanks for reading for the past like 4 months! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Never as explicit as Lady Chatterly's Lover which my mom read when she was TEN.

oh so I know I haven't been updating and I am deeply apologetic I am just going to Model UN which requires lots of preparation and also means the next update won't be till friday. Right now I'm supposed to be cleaning my room so my mom doesn't get antsy when I'm gone and we're leaving in like...thirty minutes. Instead I'm updating bcause I feel bad for not previously doing so. And I like sharing art and stuff.

So I made my country flower pins.
 I hope they are girls. 

I also am including the creepiest page in my journal
! I love it! And no, I'm not a serial killer, do you see that hair? 


Friday, April 10, 2009

HANDS OFF! I have hugophobia! Don't you see the red dot?

So apparently, at MENSA conventions alot of the members are hugophobias, to deal with this rampant social disorder the MENSA nametags are color coded. If they have have green stickers it means "ok (or greenlight) to hugging" red stickers mean "no sir, no hugging here" 

I love the idea of a sticker hugging code, its like the hanky code in victorian times but way less extreme. 

So today I was looking up silhouettes today and I came across this baby. Thats right, the Field Guide to Identifying Unicorns by Sounds. 

I would say something like "LOVE IT" but that just feels to Gracesque too me. 

So I made this shirt that I find HILARIOUS (speaking of hilarious I found a show called "yes to the dress" it is great, I am in love. it is a little bit aobut how ridiculous weddings and people are and how pretty dresses are and I feel so female liking it). Here, I'll just let the picture talk. 

what are my hands doing?

 I don't know.

Is that my torso?


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Your father cried on the telephone..

HI. I realize its been a buisness week since I updated, but I think I needed the time alone, and I am glad if you still read this.

To show my appreciation: Comment on this (you don't need to be a member, you just ahve to have an email address) and I'll make you a gift specifically for you, its quite a bargain if you ask me. I make great gifts.

I think I didn't update because a thought occured to me: for the first time in for ev
er my time has been MY time and for the first time in a long time I have been able to decide how to use it. By that I really mean that I'm beginning to understand that next year I am an adult and next year, this summer I begin deciding what type of art I am creating, I become my own person, and I think deciding how I want to present myself is a big deal.

TODAY IS GUEST BLOGGER DAY. YEAHYEAHYEAH. I'm going to upload a few pieces, a metal piece from Jen Watson who makes AMAZING art, and if you live in the greenville area you can purchase her necklaces because they are simply stunning.

I'm also going to include a plate, that I forgot to upload because ryann never posted them and a plate from ryann because she is a guest too. 

Ok so the first piece, as I already said was done by Jen Watson who is a phenomenal artist. I'm putting her full name because I think you should all facebook her to buy jewelry. 

The next piece is a bit of broken plate that  survived the plate breaking massacre, I think its an accurate description of fury, especially with the lighting.

The next plate is done by ms. Ryann , I think its a lovely message and I love that the W is a body. mmm. just look at that gluteus maxims. 

The final plate is one I did. I know, I know, its really creepy, but I love it. Incase you can't read it it says:

Emily Dickenson At the beach as a bird

I mean, come on, thats kind of funny. 

Alright! Sorry for the late update, I hope you all have a GREAT night and savor your life and leave a comment because I love making gifts. 

OH. AND. interesting news tidbit:

The obama chiapet. They came out with one, however it was quickly labelled racist because it gives our dear president a green afro, so walgreens has removed it from the shelf. 

Have no fear though, you can still order your Obama plant holder online, and soon there will be a hilary Clinton chiapet! Just something to keep in mind as a gift idea...

Friday, April 3, 2009

So there's a juice brand called Apple and Eve, I mean what?

But we'll talk about the juice later.

So, If you are reading this right when I post it you will notice that there is no pictures on this blog yet because today me and ryann drew pictures on plates and it was SO much fun, and they turned out cool and I think she's going to put them on facebook, and her pictures are better than mine SO as soon as they go up I'll put them here and if theyaren't up here by tomorrow I'll take my own pictures.

ALSO. I'm going to Charleston tomorrow and I don't know if I"m going to be able to update until I get back on Monday, BUT as soon as I get back I will do a super big update to make up for it.

And OK! So theres a brand of juice called Apple and Eve? What is that even imply? That the juice is the connection of sin? I just watched a commercial for it and it was like "We are so nutritious!" "Sneak in vegatables into your kids meal!" "Oh! And btdubs bibles and sin!" I mean what? I mean. I am flabbergasted here. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I am a flower blossoming outside the attic

It says 

I have not a thing to say

Did you know that there are enough Reese's Peanut Butter Cups made a year to circle the earth 7 times? 

Have a great night!